Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Four...Goodness Gracious!

Ok...gotta post this to get my feet a dancin' and my mind a movin'!

So....where to I have been bad....I fell off the wagon...just a little bit and it was only just one meal.  I didn't ruin the WHOLE day, ya know!  I do know better than that!!  (LOL)

Great news, though...not ONE curse word came from my mouth today!  WooHoo!!  My downfall is Mexican food and we went to Jalapeno Tree for dinner, which is Makenna and Hayden's favorite place to eat.  I did have a yummy salad, all fresh, but I had a few chips and tortillas.  I didn't overdo it, but I did enough to partially fall off the wagon :(  The great news is that I stayed very centered all day, kept a positive attitude AND I DIDN'T CURSE!!!!!!!!!  lol  Right?  I know you guys are laughing pretty hard right now, huh?  I have to just continue to set my goals and meet them.  "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again!"

After 10 minutes of Yoga for Abs, I rewarded myself with a fabulous breakfast and big cup of coffee, and I must say, it was the best meal of the day today!  I went out of my comfort zone and had oatmeal with fresh raspberries.  Not a huge fan of raspberries, but man...that was awesome!  For lunch was a beef fajita wrap at Tyler Street yummy!  The chips they served with the wrap sat on my plate and didn't get touched!  THAT is willpower!! 

The only negative thing I can say about today is that I am exhausted.  I don't know if it is from cutting a lot of processed foods and carbs out of my diet or that my body just needed the rest.  I did take a break from the gym tonight (which un-nerved me a bit) and will check back in on Friday.  Gotta hit those bleachers!!!  My insanity must have it...Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Shelly!

I read a great quote today that inspired me to not quit my journey.  I do get discouraged and everything is not roses, although on the outside you might think everything is peachy.  I struggle on a day-to-day basis of "I wanna eat that" or "should I do that instead of go to the gym?".  I have to continuiously tell myself, "You can't go through life quitting everything.  If you're going to achieve anything, you've got to stick with something." -from the show Family Matters

My three goals for tomorrow are:  EAT CLEAN (no falling off the wagon partially), get brave really quick (since I am not a roller coaster kinda-girl) and no cursing.  I want to continue the trend of a clean mouth, clean diet and clean EVERYTHING!  Yes, I know I am going to fall off the wagon from time to time...I am far from perfect, but I can always get back on, stronger-willed and ready to roll!

I am so grateful for my family and all the laughter we share together.  I am also grateful for a wonderful job and all the opportunities that have been sent my way in the field of dental assisting.  The Lord has truly blessed me with so many wonderful people and things in my life. I could not ask for more! 

Well, I hate to make this short and sweet, but my exhaustion is really kicking in!  Gotta get plenty of rest for tomorrow since we are all going as a family to Six Flags!  I can't wait!!!!!

Good night everyone and keep those encouraging words coming!!!  I am REALLY enjoying them!!!  Love you all!!!

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