Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time to Start Over...

So...when you fail, you fail.  You have to accept the fact that you failed.  Dieting sucks....I can say that whole-heartedly!! 

It has been awhile since I have blogged, and I need to make a better effort at it.  I also need to make a better effort into staying consistant, working out and eating clean and healthy.  It has been hard, especially with all the stress we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.  Last night, having a conversation with my husband, I realized that I fall off the wagon quite a bit and make excuses....NO MORE!

I got on, got motivated, found great ways to cook new recipies and now it's time to make that change.  I even got a 12 week workout plan dedicated to women!  I LOVE IT!  I start today, hitting the weights and doing High Intensity Interval Training sessions every night.  I will only break one day a week for rest.  I can't fail this time...I will make it a mission.  I am going to prove a lot of people wrong!

My goals for today: 
1.  Buy nothing but healthy, clean food for my family and myself
2.  Push through my first day of hardcore training and not stop!
3.  Celebrate my successes that I have today, be proud of myself!

"We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance." - Harrison Ford

It is now my second chance and here we go!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Long Time Ago...

Shame on me....right?  It has been 20 days since my last blog and I am sorry that it has taken me THIS long to write!  To make a long story short, stress at work...well a MASSIVE amount of stress at work has taken a little bit of a toll on me...fatigue and headaches have placed me into a minor setback, but nothing I can't rebound from!!!!!

I bought a calendar with a large space on each date to write in the exercise I did that for day.  Looking at the month of July, I have definitely have come a long way in the working out aspect of my new lifestyle.  I am going longer on the bleachers (4 sets each time + 1 mile on the track), I did almost 5 miles with my girl Shelly last Saturday (she really got me out of my comfort zone) and today legs and cardio with Cindy.  I have to apply myself more when it comes to cardio and I found a program on the treadmill that I LOVE....and the scary part is that it is relaxing!!!!!! 

I am looking into fresh, low-carb and high-protein recipes that I know my family and I will LOVE and have applied those into our every day living.  I have taken notice that I am not sluggish, I have more energy and I feel much better about myself!  How crazy is that coming from just changing your diet?????

I am so thankful to have the people in my life, who support me and surround me with comfort and encouragement.  I sure have needed it these last 2 weeks.  I am also thankful for my many opportunities I have to share my story and encourage others.  Last, but not least, I am thankful for the confidence people have in me, to try something different and be better!

My goals for tomorrow are quite easy!  I need to make it to the gym and get arms, abs and cardio in, not to cheat on my diet and to allow myself to be proud of my accomplishments I meet everyday!  Some days it is VERY hard to be proud, put myself first and encourage success, but when you do all that for yourself and others, you will see a positive change in everyone...including yourself!

"Always walk through like as if you have something new to learn and you will." - Vernon Howard

"Each day, learn something new, and just as important, relearn something old." - Robert Brault

Always learn something new...even it is about yourself.  I sure have learned a lot and I know that all of you can, too!!

Hugs to all of you!!!!    

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Blues

What a fabulous, stress-free day today!  First day back to work was SO enjoyable!  I have not laughed SO hard in my life!!!!  I tell ya...happiness and laughter can cure any frustration!!!

My food has been quite good!  Breakfast consisted of whole grain oatmeal with fresh blackberries, which was WAY yummy!  Lunch was whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and dinner was a Jalapeno Tree Salad.  I think I did pretty well, considering I wanted sweets all night!  I am sitting with a glass of Cab at the moment, enjoying the "sweet" from each drink! I also snuck a chocolate chip cookie.... :(

I noticed today that I am starting to get some serious definition in my abs and my hips are slendering down quite a bit.  I am seeing so many changes and I am continuing to become more determined and full of workout energy.  I got to lift at the house since I could not get to the gym.  I did chest, shoulders and abs.  Whew!  I was sweatin' and feeling some serious iron pumping!!!!! I love lifting weights because it makes me feel stronger and like I could kick some serious butt!!!!    After all that, I had so much energy, I went and worked in the garden, did laundry, vaccummed and did a ton of other housework!!!!  As Cindy would call me...I was a rat on crack!

I know this is TOTALLY random, but today would be a day for anyone to be sad and broken-hearted over the news, but we must keep our heads up and realize that justice will be served by a higher power.  As much as I would love someone to find her in a dark alley....we have to stay positive in our beliefs and remember karma... :)

My goals.  I have to continue to have a positive attitude because I know that tomorrow is going to be quite difficult and attitudes, words and actions won't be the best in the world.  "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill.  My next goal is to continue to eat healthy and have healthy, clean vibes. Encourage others to be the same way and maybe change their lives, too!  Lastly, I am going to strive to effectively get my work done, workout and spend time with Hayden!

I am so grateful for having wonderful co-workers who keep me smiling, laughing and letting me be myself!  My job would not be a positive experience without them day-to-day!  I LOVE U GUYS!!!  I am also grateful for all the encouragement I have been getting and my friends who are supporting me!!!  Lastly, I am grateful for patience.  Although it is tested quite often....I still keep it with a smile!!!  (LOL)

"If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
- Mary Engelbriet

I am going to change my thought process tomorrow....EVERYTHING a positive outlook and nothing negative.  Continue to smile and tell the world to BRING IT ON!!!!!!

Ok....I am pooped!  It just totally hit me!  I got a busy day tomorrow and hope each and everyone of you reading this have a wonderful, blessed day tomorrow!!!!  I have my front porch light on for Caylee Marie Anthony you??

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th...a Great Day to Workout

This was the place to start my morning off right!

Holiday, smoliday...workouts never take a back seat, especially when you have goals set for yourself (and you ate badly like I did yesterday!!) This morning at 7:30am, it was sunny, warm and time to SWEAT! 3 sets of bleachers (both sides of the field = a set) and a mile around the track later, I figured it was time to hang with the family by the pool for some quality time and relaxation.

Food-wise today, I ate MUCH better than yesterday!  I was a whole new person with a whole new mindset.  Post workout, I ate an apple with peanut butter to level out my blood sugar.  Lunch consisted of tuna salad with fresh fruit...

Dinner was awesome!  Grilled chicken breast with asparagus and whole wheat pasta with homemade spinach pesto.  So healthy and tasty that I didn't want to stop eating!!  lol  I never craved anything sweet or anything that I don't need to have that is processed.  The great thing is, I haven't had a headache in a couple of weeks and i think that is from my diet change and working out more. 

For those of you who know and those who don't, I suffer from a pretty nasty migraine disorder that literally floors me when onset.  I get numb in the face, severe pain, dizziness and possibly faint, etc.  It was quite scary last year when I ended up in the hospital, numb on my left side and had a difficult time swallowing and was in an extreme amount of pain.  My internal medical physician ordered a Stat-MRI, which showed 8-2mm lesions in the white matter of my brain.  I was immediately sent to a Neurologist for evaluation.  Blood work came back great and he ordered a Lumbar Puncture (spinal tap) because he was ruling out MS, which he said was a high possibility because of  my symptoms.  I took that quite hard.  To make a long story short, needless to say, the test results came back negative and he diagnosed me with a migraine disorder.  We have tried so many different types of medications and none have worked.  I finally gave up, took myself off of all of them and tried changing my every day has worked amazingy so far *knock on wood, right?*!

I am so grateful for having that learning experience and knowing when I have to stop and rest, because without it, I would not have gotten better.  I am also grateful for my friends and family who have supported me the past week on my new journey, helping to pump me up, telling me its okay to fall off the wagon, but to get back on it!  Also, I am grateful for my girlfriends for working out with me this weekend, sweating it out with me and encouraging me to keep going no matter what!  I am last, but not least, grateful for the time I got to spend with my family over the past 5 days...enjoying quality, fun-filled, time together.

My goals for goals for tomorrow.  Keep a positive attitude because I know that I will need to put it to good use!  Encourage my co-workers and my family to live a healthier lifestyle, free of profanity and clean living.  My last goal...put myself first and be my own cheerleader!!  I have to take care of myself and better myself to meet my goals.

" I may not be there, yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday." - Author Unknown

As I sit and write my blog, I am listening to the rain and thunder and watch the lightening light up the room!  It is a fabulous feeling to know that the Lord has blessed us with rain and cooler temps!!  (LOL) 

I hope that everyone has a great, short week ahead!   Keep those encouraging words a comin'!  You have NO idea how much they make a difference in my day-to-day struggles to stay on track!!  LOVE YOU ALLL!!!  "See" you tomorrow!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Well...yeah...not too proud of myself at this point.  I thought I would be doing much better than expected and had higher expectations...the only thing I have kept steady is my workouts.  Those have been hard, full of intensity and a serious cardiovascular workout.  Bleachers, jogging, walking, sprints, suicides, etc.  What I have completely gone off track with is my eating.  Today....this is what I feel like:

There is a light at the end of that...I know there is!  I gotta get back on the wagon and hit it hard like last week.  The newness of my journey has not worn off, has not gotten boring and is not unattainable by any means.  I KNOW I have to eat better, make my workouts harder and longer AND get 'er done!  I have to allow myself to change and be my own cheerleader.  The book I bought last week, I had to pick it up, again tonight and read to re-evaluate my journey.  Staring tomorrow, I have to get back on the wagon in full force.

I started my day off with a 4-mile hike with Shelly and I LOVED it!  We had a great conversation, great cardio workout, everything about it was phenominal!  I am so glad to have friends that want to workout with me, support me and teach me how to do things differently and effectively. 

My eating is the most that has gotten off track, but not too much, but enough to notice.  Last night we had Hot Dog Express (where I ate two dogs, fries and a cherry coke...shame on me!) and then today...well, we won't discuss today.  We had the whole family over for a 4th of July cookout and celebration of my dad's birthday!  Had a GREAT time with everyone, laughing and talking, especially spending time together!

So tomorrow's goals: 3 sets of bleachers with a mile run, eat healthy, eat clean, and plan a week of healthy meals for my family.  I really need to get a game plan, so things run smoother both working out and eating.  I will say that my foul language has gotten much better, although I did say a few at Six Flags...hahaha!  Let's just say the 79% drop on the Texas Giant made me cuss!

There are so many things I am thankful for that it is hard to pick just three!  I am thankful for my family coming over today, getting together and having a wonderful time!  I am thankful for an awesome daughter, whom I have had so uch fun with while she has been here!  I am lastly thankful for my health and happiness...things at these days are hard to come by!

I am exhausted from cooking all day!  It was so well worth it to see happy faces and full bellies!  Tomorrow is a new day!  "Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce" - Vivian Komori  Let's just me Tigger!

Good night!

Friday, July 1, 2011

6 Day and Counting

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday...Six Flags was a BLAST with the family and very exhausting!  My head it the pillow and I was out!  Got in a lot of walking, A LOT of bravery and a lot of fun!!!  It was wonderful to be driving home and seeing all the rain clouds, driving through a tremendous amount of rain in East Texas.  It was a fabuous way to come home!

Today started off phenominal!!!!  I had a great bleacher workout with a new friend, Audrey!  She is a BLAST!!!  We did 3 sets of bleachers, suicides and high-knee skips!  Whew...can we say sweaty and ready to roll!?  Audrey taught me a ton of new things to try when I do bleachers and I tell you I can feel them!!!  My butt and legs feel GREAT!  I topped it off with a GNC Lean Shake for breakfast.

Lunch consisted of tuna salad, fresh fruit and a bottled water, while I was watching the kids swim in the pool.  Laying in the sun, relaxing, felt so good!  Poor Josh had to work all day in the heat...fixing busted pipes at Pinecrest :(  Makenna and I agreed that a nap would be awesome, so we call came home and napped for a couple of hours.  Feeling re-energized is the best feeling in the world...and then we had to do yardwork!  To me, that is a serious stress reliever...and so is running bleachers!

Dinner was completely a new thing.  I made Thai food...Pad Thai to be exact.  Everything was fresh and so yummy!!!  I will most definitely keep that as a recipe to make on occasion.  A glass of Cab and my blog to top it off makes for the perfect evening! :)

So my goals for tomorrow...get out of my comfort zone and go for it...anything that's a challenge, no cursing and last but not least 3 sets of bleachers and serious cardio workout in the morning!  I get to join Shelly and Audrey in the morning at 7am for a great workout!  SO EXCITED!!!   Then family time at the pool with the kids!  We have to make a WalMart trip, so I hope I can stay as firm as I was last week with the shopping...nothing but healthy!!!

I am so grateful for the time I have got to spend with my family because I can never get this time back.  I am also grateful for friends and family who lift me up with I fall off the wagon, supporting me and telling me that I can do it! 

If any of you have a challenge you want to meet, hit it head-on!  Don't stop and stand firm in your beliefs.  Quitting will get you NOWHERE! 

"The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground." - Author Unknown

Love you all and I will "see" you tomrrow!!!!  Get 'er done!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Four...Goodness Gracious!

Ok...gotta post this to get my feet a dancin' and my mind a movin'!

So....where to I have been bad....I fell off the wagon...just a little bit and it was only just one meal.  I didn't ruin the WHOLE day, ya know!  I do know better than that!!  (LOL)

Great news, though...not ONE curse word came from my mouth today!  WooHoo!!  My downfall is Mexican food and we went to Jalapeno Tree for dinner, which is Makenna and Hayden's favorite place to eat.  I did have a yummy salad, all fresh, but I had a few chips and tortillas.  I didn't overdo it, but I did enough to partially fall off the wagon :(  The great news is that I stayed very centered all day, kept a positive attitude AND I DIDN'T CURSE!!!!!!!!!  lol  Right?  I know you guys are laughing pretty hard right now, huh?  I have to just continue to set my goals and meet them.  "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again!"

After 10 minutes of Yoga for Abs, I rewarded myself with a fabulous breakfast and big cup of coffee, and I must say, it was the best meal of the day today!  I went out of my comfort zone and had oatmeal with fresh raspberries.  Not a huge fan of raspberries, but man...that was awesome!  For lunch was a beef fajita wrap at Tyler Street yummy!  The chips they served with the wrap sat on my plate and didn't get touched!  THAT is willpower!! 

The only negative thing I can say about today is that I am exhausted.  I don't know if it is from cutting a lot of processed foods and carbs out of my diet or that my body just needed the rest.  I did take a break from the gym tonight (which un-nerved me a bit) and will check back in on Friday.  Gotta hit those bleachers!!!  My insanity must have it...Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Shelly!

I read a great quote today that inspired me to not quit my journey.  I do get discouraged and everything is not roses, although on the outside you might think everything is peachy.  I struggle on a day-to-day basis of "I wanna eat that" or "should I do that instead of go to the gym?".  I have to continuiously tell myself, "You can't go through life quitting everything.  If you're going to achieve anything, you've got to stick with something." -from the show Family Matters

My three goals for tomorrow are:  EAT CLEAN (no falling off the wagon partially), get brave really quick (since I am not a roller coaster kinda-girl) and no cursing.  I want to continue the trend of a clean mouth, clean diet and clean EVERYTHING!  Yes, I know I am going to fall off the wagon from time to time...I am far from perfect, but I can always get back on, stronger-willed and ready to roll!

I am so grateful for my family and all the laughter we share together.  I am also grateful for a wonderful job and all the opportunities that have been sent my way in the field of dental assisting.  The Lord has truly blessed me with so many wonderful people and things in my life. I could not ask for more! 

Well, I hate to make this short and sweet, but my exhaustion is really kicking in!  Gotta get plenty of rest for tomorrow since we are all going as a family to Six Flags!  I can't wait!!!!!

Good night everyone and keep those encouraging words coming!!!  I am REALLY enjoying them!!!  Love you all!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day Three and Going Strong!!

It's only Tuesday?!?!?  Really????

I must say, this is the part of my day I really look forward to...reflecting on my day of success!!!!  I won't lie and I promised myself I wouldn't, but I didn't meet one of my goals...I said 3 bad words today :(  I am really getting better considering people must have thought I was a sailor in my past life!  I did catch myself though and quickly asked for forgiveness! 

My morning started out VERY peaceful with 10 minutes of Yoga.  I have come to the conclusion that is a time to reflect on my day ahead and pray.  I really enjoy that time to myself...centers me...then I reward myself with a HUGE cup of coffee!!!! 

My eating today has been nothing but clean and healthy!  A mushroom-onion omelete for breakfast, organic salad from Jason's Deli for lunch and Turkey Tostadas for dinner.  Nothing was processed and everything was fresh!  I can completely tell a difference with my headaches, my energy and my attitude.  I feel much more determined to stay on track, workout longer and I am seeing instant results!  The crazy thing was...I didn't crave sweets or processed food ALL day!!!  That is a major change from when I was "dieting".  My only quam is that I enjoy one glass of Cab a night, which is great for heart health and relaxation, but it isn't on the!

I worked out with Cindy tonight and had a great lifting session.  We did biceps, triceps, back and abs.  Man am I gonna be sore tomorrow, but I know that my muscles are growing because I did something right!  No cardio tonight...took a break before tomorrow's Couch to 5 K Lesson and Bleachers on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Yes, I am addicted, but it gets me outta the gym and into "nature".  LOVIN' IT!!  I get to reward myself for working so hard in the gym and being successful in my eating with a trip to Six Flags with the family on Thursday, which I am stoked about!  I love family time and I must reward us all for my successes!

Tomorrow's goals...don't fall off the wagon (I hear the 3rd and 4th days are the hardest), keep centered in my goals and TRY NOT TO CURSE!!!!  Yeah...since I somewhat FAILED at that attempt today, I am going to make it a goal for tomorrow and the next day and the next day until I get it right!!! 

I want to end my blog for the night with a wonderful quote I found on  I find so many inspirational quotes there.

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs.  Every time you conquer one it makes
you that much stronger.  If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."  - Dale Carnegie

I hope you all have a blessed night!  "See" ya tomorrow!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day Two

In the dictionary, Monday is referred to as the second day.  The good thing is...I am not a Monday-Morning Quarterback!!!!

Today, by far, has been the BEST day I had had in a long time!  It was filled with positive attitudes/vibes, great patients, great friends and above all else, I met ALL my goals!!!!!!!!! 

To start the day....well...

and it was FABULOUS!!!!!  I enjoyed 10 minutes to myself, in peace with no distractions!  I put myself first for a change!  I also had a delicious breakfast of oatmeal with fresh blueberries and coffee...yummo!

Lunch was a success and even though you have to fast-food it, you can still eat healthy (and I know b/c I looked at the Nutritional Menu online).  A Chicken, Bacon, Ranch Salad from McDonald's kept me full until I ran into the "sweet tooth" time of the day, which I immediately cured with 5 fresh strawberries. 

I got to join my daughter, Makenna and friend Cindy at the gym and ran over 2 miles!!!!  I exceeded my goal and could not have been more proud!  I actually danced on the treadmill!!!  I think the people at my gym think I am totally nuts, but I DON'T CARE!!!!  The only thing I wasn't able to do, due to time constraints, was lifting light weights, but I will rendered that when I got home...did a little bi and tri workout with free weights I have stashed under the bed.

To some it is not me, it's a goal achieved!!!!

Dinner was phenominal!  I made a recipe from my inspirational book and fell in love!  It was Mexican Chipolte Pork Tenderloin and I steamed some broccoli for the veggie side..all clean, low-fat, low carb and DELICIOUS!!!!! 

I realized today, after a long talk with a co-worker, that every day changes and nothing stays the same.  Striving for perfection and letting go of things will keep me healthy, happy and a better person all the way around.  Being defensive makes things harder on everyone, mostly on myself...

I am so grateful for a wonderul workplace with wonderful co-workers.  I am also grateful for all my experiences in the past two days of learning more about myself and understanding other point of views.  Lastly, I am grateful for life.  God has given me a wonderful life, family and friends and although Earth is my temporary home, I must make my life extraordinary and in turn will make a difference in the lives of others. 

My goals for tomorrow are to not curse, keep a positive attitude and EAT CLEAN...stay on track!  As Cindy told me today on the treadmill, "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me".  Phil 4:13 (and let me tell you, she said it at the perfect time on the perfect day!)

Good night all.  I hope your Monday was as awesome as mine and your week is blessed with successes and happiness!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day One

Can I say...WHEW!  It has been a busy, yet productive day!!!  Wanna see how it started???                           

Yes...those are only one side of bleachers at Lobo Stadium!  My workout partner in crime, Shelly and I worked out for over an hour, doing 2 sets (that is both sides of the field x2) of bleachers, sprints, hill running, walking lunges and jogging!  I LOVE BLEACHERS...and no...I am not insane!

I think my biggest challenge today was going to Walmart.  As much as I wanted to buy all those little things we used to, I know that I wasn't going to succeed if I gave into temptation.  Our basket was full of fresh produce, whole wheat items and things to make healthy, nutritious meals that actually have some taste to them!  I can't wait to get into the kitchen!

My goals I set for myself for today have gone pretty well.  I was not fully successful with 3 sets of bleachers, but all the extra work I did on the track made up for it!  I have eaten healthy all day (Breakfast: GNC Lean Shake, Lunch: Tukey and Feta Whole Wheat Wrap, Dinner: Ribs w/ homemade potato salad and beans-celebrating Makenna being here!)

Makenna and I have decided to do my journey board together, as I am wanting her to be a part of my life changing journey as well.  She is a great young woman and I am so proud of her!  I am glad she is here visiting and hanging out with us, and for that I am grateful.

I am also grateful for all the wonderful posts I got on FB, the encouragement and inspiring words you guys have sent me!  Keep them coming because I know I will need them!!!  Last, but not least, I am grateful for my friends who support me, workout with me and keep me going when it gets tough!  Without you, I don't know where I would be!!!

My three goals for tomorrow are: positive thinking and speaking, eating 3 healthy meals and getting in a great 2 mile run at the gym with some light weight training.  I know I can do it!!!

I hope everyone has had a GREAT weekend and that Monday flies by quickly for all!  "See" you tomorrow!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Day Before the Beginning

I have a great friend who told me about a GREAT book by Tosca Reno, but the bookstore did not have the exact one, so I picked up another titled "Your Best Body Now", purchased it and walked out the door.  Little did I know how much this book would motivate me to become physically and emotionally healthier!!!

Laying by the pool, watching my 8-yr old son swim, I read the book and could not put it down!  Each sentence gave me inspiration and encouragement to no longer put everyone ahead of me and understand that if I am not healthy, no one can take my place.  After my health scare last summer, I have come to realize that Josh has one wife, Hayden has one mother, and my parents have one daughter (yes I am an only child) and no one can replace me! 

I have also come to the realization that I am not hard as I try, I am not perfect by any means.  I am not the perfect wife, mother, daughter, friend and employee.  I mount tons of stress upon myself to try to be perfect and this is something I have to change....and in a hurry!!!  I feel this will eliminate a major portion of my stress.  As Tosca Reno says..."When you realize trying to be perfect is really overrated-and frankly impossible-you will discover happiness!"

Starting tomorrow, I will be making a "board" with pictures, inspirational quotes and my big goal right in the center!  I want to place it where I can see it, study it and take it in every day!  I will be eating "clean" (nothing processed...everything fresh!), logging in my food and exercise, setting small goals for each day and also coming to grips with my imperfections and any challenges that happen. I will also write down each day three things I am grateful for, the best thing that happened to me that day and how proud of myself I am!  I must allow myself to be proud of my successes.

I do ask, as a friend, to give encouragement and join me on my journey!  I am really looking forward to meeting my daily and end goals, but want to continue, after meeting my goals, to live a good, physically and emotionally healthy life.  In this day and age, people are miserable, depressed and can see it in their faces!!  I don't want to be one of those people by ANY means and I don't want any of my friends to be in the same boat!  You want to join me on this journey??  PLEASE DO!  We can form a great support group of friends to lean on when we have a tough challenge we think we can't overcome! 

I am setting my goals for tomorrow:  Run 3 sets of bleachers (each side of the field is one set) and at least 1 mile on the track, eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, make my "Journey Board".

In the end, I must lean on my saying that I have lived by for the past few years (the funny thing is, I forgot where I found it!!)..."Success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone". 

Let the "journey" begin...