Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Blues

What a fabulous, stress-free day today!  First day back to work was SO enjoyable!  I have not laughed SO hard in my life!!!!  I tell ya...happiness and laughter can cure any frustration!!!

My food has been quite good!  Breakfast consisted of whole grain oatmeal with fresh blackberries, which was WAY yummy!  Lunch was whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce and dinner was a Jalapeno Tree Salad.  I think I did pretty well, considering I wanted sweets all night!  I am sitting with a glass of Cab at the moment, enjoying the "sweet" from each drink! I also snuck a chocolate chip cookie.... :(

I noticed today that I am starting to get some serious definition in my abs and my hips are slendering down quite a bit.  I am seeing so many changes and I am continuing to become more determined and full of workout energy.  I got to lift at the house since I could not get to the gym.  I did chest, shoulders and abs.  Whew!  I was sweatin' and feeling some serious iron pumping!!!!! I love lifting weights because it makes me feel stronger and like I could kick some serious butt!!!!    After all that, I had so much energy, I went and worked in the garden, did laundry, vaccummed and did a ton of other housework!!!!  As Cindy would call me...I was a rat on crack!

I know this is TOTALLY random, but today would be a day for anyone to be sad and broken-hearted over the news, but we must keep our heads up and realize that justice will be served by a higher power.  As much as I would love someone to find her in a dark alley....we have to stay positive in our beliefs and remember karma... :)

My goals...my goals.  I have to continue to have a positive attitude because I know that tomorrow is going to be quite difficult and attitudes, words and actions won't be the best in the world.  "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill.  My next goal is to continue to eat healthy and have healthy, clean vibes. Encourage others to be the same way and maybe change their lives, too!  Lastly, I am going to strive to effectively get my work done, workout and spend time with Hayden!

I am so grateful for having wonderful co-workers who keep me smiling, laughing and letting me be myself!  My job would not be a positive experience without them day-to-day!  I LOVE U GUYS!!!  I am also grateful for all the encouragement I have been getting and my friends who are supporting me!!!  Lastly, I am grateful for patience.  Although it is tested quite often....I still keep it with a smile!!!  (LOL)

"If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
- Mary Engelbriet

I am going to change my thought process tomorrow....EVERYTHING a positive outlook and nothing negative.  Continue to smile and tell the world to BRING IT ON!!!!!!

Ok....I am pooped!  It just totally hit me!  I got a busy day tomorrow and hope each and everyone of you reading this have a wonderful, blessed day tomorrow!!!!  I have my front porch light on for Caylee Marie Anthony tonight....do you??

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