Friday, July 1, 2011

6 Day and Counting

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday...Six Flags was a BLAST with the family and very exhausting!  My head it the pillow and I was out!  Got in a lot of walking, A LOT of bravery and a lot of fun!!!  It was wonderful to be driving home and seeing all the rain clouds, driving through a tremendous amount of rain in East Texas.  It was a fabuous way to come home!

Today started off phenominal!!!!  I had a great bleacher workout with a new friend, Audrey!  She is a BLAST!!!  We did 3 sets of bleachers, suicides and high-knee skips!  Whew...can we say sweaty and ready to roll!?  Audrey taught me a ton of new things to try when I do bleachers and I tell you I can feel them!!!  My butt and legs feel GREAT!  I topped it off with a GNC Lean Shake for breakfast.

Lunch consisted of tuna salad, fresh fruit and a bottled water, while I was watching the kids swim in the pool.  Laying in the sun, relaxing, felt so good!  Poor Josh had to work all day in the heat...fixing busted pipes at Pinecrest :(  Makenna and I agreed that a nap would be awesome, so we call came home and napped for a couple of hours.  Feeling re-energized is the best feeling in the world...and then we had to do yardwork!  To me, that is a serious stress reliever...and so is running bleachers!

Dinner was completely a new thing.  I made Thai food...Pad Thai to be exact.  Everything was fresh and so yummy!!!  I will most definitely keep that as a recipe to make on occasion.  A glass of Cab and my blog to top it off makes for the perfect evening! :)

So my goals for tomorrow...get out of my comfort zone and go for it...anything that's a challenge, no cursing and last but not least 3 sets of bleachers and serious cardio workout in the morning!  I get to join Shelly and Audrey in the morning at 7am for a great workout!  SO EXCITED!!!   Then family time at the pool with the kids!  We have to make a WalMart trip, so I hope I can stay as firm as I was last week with the shopping...nothing but healthy!!!

I am so grateful for the time I have got to spend with my family because I can never get this time back.  I am also grateful for friends and family who lift me up with I fall off the wagon, supporting me and telling me that I can do it! 

If any of you have a challenge you want to meet, hit it head-on!  Don't stop and stand firm in your beliefs.  Quitting will get you NOWHERE! 

"The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground." - Author Unknown

Love you all and I will "see" you tomrrow!!!!  Get 'er done!

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